Glendale Eco-Community Garden

The City of Glendale, Calif., in collaboration with the Coalition for a Green Glendale, is seeking volunteers to participate in a new Eco-Community Garden that will spring to life in early 2009.

This will be the first project in a City initiative aimed at revitalizing vacant parcels of land and turning them into green space for the community.

It is hoped that a neglected, vacant lot on the 800 block of Monterey Road, near the entrance of the 134 freeway, will be transformed into a vibrant community garden, where city residents may grow vegetables and flowers.

Contact Coalition for a Green Glendale co-founder Alek Bartrosouf at (818) 359-0108. The website should have information available about the project soon.

More information on Community Gardens.

1 Comment!:

Anonymous said...

Hello to everyone, I am Alek Bartrosouf.

I would like to keep it short and sweet.

Thanks to the person who posted this information on this blog. I am not sure who you are, but I would like to meet you! I think its great that you posted this up; keeps people informed and hopefully it will build interest in what we are doing for the community.

I appreciate your support, and hope to hear from you soon.